Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Today is 16 August 2006, and I've launched CAPSoff.

I wrote my first CV on a manual typewriter, used carbon paper to make a copy, and carefully sent it to my prospective employer. The year was 1984 and the CV got me an interview and a job.

We still use the typewriter interface... the qwerty layout, the spacebar, the backspace in the top right corner. Like all interfaces, it's hard to change once it gets a lot of users. Even my mobile phone has a full qwerty keyboard, and I love it.

But there's one thing that's annoyed me for years. OK, there were bigger annoyances at the time, and work, family life, and obligation buried the problem for a long time. But yesterday, as I found myself typing a row of uppercase and I asked myself, "wtf is this?", I realised that enough is enough, and sometimes, we just gotta do what we gotta do.

So I decided to do something about it. The CAPS key is an abomination. We all know that. It's a huge key, stuck right there where the Ctrl used to be, and as far as I know, it's only used by 419 scammers and Fortran programmers.

Now, I can understand that the keyboard producers of the world don't really appreciate the problem. For them, one key is as good as another, and no-one's complained, so why change a perfectly good model?

Obviously the keyboard producers have been so indoctrinated that they don't even inspect their own products any longer. Listen, dudes: no-one wants that crummy CAPS key. It's history. It dates back to the times when bold meant going back and typing the same text twice.

And so I have launched CAPSoff, a campaign to change the world, one key at a time. We're going to start with the CAPS LOCK key, which is fat and useless and has no friends, so should be an easy target. Maybe after that we can gang up on the SysRq key.

To succeed, CAPSoff will need to convince a bunch of very large, very stupid organisations, that the computer users of the world really don't want this key. It's going to have to organise letter-writing campaigns, petitions, websites, and lots of activism. We may have to organise conferences, protests, and even sponsor pro-reform.political candidates.

Although the CAPS key may seem an easy target, we're going to have to get a lot of people involved and active, to get rid of it.

So this is my plan. How do we build such an organisation? Can we do it entirely using free services from Google? (I'm no special admirer of Google but it seems they're aiming to become the main web-based service provider.)

Can we organise entirely using free online tools? Google groups, Freenode irc?

I don't know. But it's going to be fun finding out.

Pieter Hintjens


  1. How can something that has been around since befreo the advent of the CTRL key be "right there where the Ctrl used to be"?

    If this is the level of thinking behind this movement, we can expect a relative fizzle in the end.

  2. Yes, sign me up! Death to Caps Lock!

    I have been levering off the caps lock key on every keyboard I have owned for 10 years. In fact on my current notebook, I have de-functioned the key by removing the metal brackets and then resticking it back down with double-sided tape as a nod to aesthetics.

    Also, I only buy keyboards that allow me to pop off the stupid thing easily. Boycott any others now!

  3. I'm keeping my caps lock. I've created a custom keyboard layout so that with caps locks off, I get Dvorak and with caps lock on, I get a custom Hebrew layout. Take away my caps lock, and I have to type annoying, multi-key combinations or use a menu to switch between the Latin and Hebrew scripts. Therefore, YOU CAN HAVE MY CAPS LOCK WHEN YOU PRY IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD KEYBOARD!

  4. It was the AT-model of keyboard that destroyed it around 1988. The CTRL-key is the most frequently used key so it was very stupid to move it to that awkward place. The first AT-boards had a switch so you could put the CTRL key back. Fortunately when running X it is not a problem (apart from when helping someone who hasn't moved the CTRL-key back...). When I temporarily run M$-Win on one of my machines in 2000 it was hard to find an easy way to make CAPS lock CNTRL as it was not even supported by the crappy OS. Yeah, I'm joining this battle to get the CNTRL key back where it should be. Those few people who use the CAPS lock can easily map it to the position they want it anyway (if runnning a decent OS)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I do press the CAPS LOCK by accident too often and would appreciate it being MOVED (not removed). HOWEVER, I don't agree with what should replace it. The CTRL key has been on the bottom row for long enough and should not be moved (again). Making the space bar longer is a bigger waste of space. How about adding 2 more keys for some commonly used signs that aren't there already (don't know which) or replacing it with a FUNC key like that used on laptops, so the F keys can have a dual purpose (standardised of course, so all keyboards print the same shortcut icon and standard keyboard drivers support them)?

  7. Insert key is even more useless.. and dam annoying

  8. You need to get out more dude!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. No sé si entenderás mi idioma o no, pero he leido en un periódico de España sobre ti y sobre tu lucha contra la tecla "Bloq Mayús", así que te escribo este mensaje para darte mi apoyo contra dicha tecla inservible y totalmente prescindible. Un saludo from Seville, Spain.

  11. I am an architect, and when drafting, all notes need to be typed in caps. You can always tell an architect drafter because they often forget to turn off caps lock before emailing or posting. But I can remember. Just like you can remember to simply not hit it when you dont need it, right?

    That said, Im keeping mine. Lock, stock and barrel.

    I wouldnt mind a little relocation though.. top row for both CAPS and NUM LOCK could be workable.

  12. People with this kind of disgruntalment need to get a life and leave thier problems in thier homes! I FOR ONE DON'T MIND SEEING ALL CAPITOLS AS THAT IS HOW I PRINT. IF I WANT TO SHOUT AT SOMEONE IN EMAIL OR PRINTING I ENLARGE THE SIZE OF MY PRINT! YOU SHOULD DO AS WELL IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE.

  13. Hi Pieter,

    Why don't we just have Caps Lock work smarter:

    Hold Caps Lock and press Shift = CAPS LOCK ON
    Press Caps Lock again = back to normal

    That would prevent the common problem of ACCIDENTALLY PRESSING THE CAPS LOCK KEY, but still leave an option for special applications.


  14. Feel free to read my comment in full -

  15. russia is here too

    в россии знают про это движение. я поддерживаю идею.

  16. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I can only say, hear. hear.

    But /my/ keyboards all have the capslock and ctrl where they belong; ctrl next to the A and capslock,
    some place I don't exactly remember.

    They're all Sun Microsystems Keyboards; Sun has traditionally sold keyboards in various layouts including the so-named "US/Unix" layout (Esc, Ctrl in the right place).

    Since a few years also available in USB (at which point I swapped all PC keyboards in house with proper ones, somewhat to the chagrin of others
    in my household)

    But then, I work at Sun and have access to endless supplies of them.

  17. Anonymous3:19 PM

    if u don't know what the keys are for and are able to use a computer and log on to the net, i think it's safe to say that u own at least one copy of computers/internet for dummies.

    I suggest we remove those books NOW

  18. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm from Russia. This is full lazha. button Caps Lock verry needs!!!
    Sorry i don't speak english.
    Короче! Кнопка Капс Лок Мне лично очень нужна!! Бростье это глупое занятие!

  19. Anonymous10:53 AM


  20. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sorry for that post but really I use it quite often. For example to distinguis SQL querys from normal programming. I do not agree to remove this button. i agree to the fact that the keyboard hasn't really developed. But maybe the reason for that is that it is a good design already (and cheap for that matter)?

  21. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Can't we just go for the touch screen and leave the keyboard issue for what it is, there are bigger problems in the world that are worth a 1.000.000$

    Why bend the road towards we are going ,when it's easier to ride it?

    I like my CaPS-Lock key !!! it's like toilet-paper (not to be noticed when it's there, but if not you're shouting for it.)

  22. Anonymous2:49 AM

    CAPSoff is your friend!

    Well I have been looking for a solution for the annoying capslock-key for a long time. Ther were some scripts and plug-ins available for MacOS 10.3.
    And now: MAcOS X 10.4 has made a simple standard preference to change or disable all caps, ctr and alt-keys.
    Thank you Apple. Turn to Apple Now. Disable Microsoft. Do it!

  23. Anonymous8:23 AM


  24. Anonymous8:23 AM


  25. Anonymous1:54 PM

    i agree with this idea of capsoff, cause i think this button is really annoying. Go ahead guys! (sorry i dont speak english perfectly, i'm from portugal :-D)

  26. here in canada we don't even HAVE plastic! we have ICE keyboards. and they HAVE THE CAPS key!!
    man... i LOVE ice.

  27. Anonymous6:58 PM

    there is a reason for all of the keys
    even if you dont use them. learn to use the keyboard. and you foind out what most of them are for you dont want to cut them out. and if you going to write somethin with large letters you cant hold down SHIFT FOREWER CAN YOU.

  28. Anonymous7:01 PM

    hei marianne were from the same country and my uncle is from ålesund

  29. Since the keyboard is one of the few parts of the computer one physically interacts with, it does become a truly personal experience. So, I understand why people get heated over such things as layout.

    As for myself, I'm a computer programmer (C++) so I employ it on a regular basis and I enjoy knowing that it's just West of the 'A' key. I personally was really disappointed when keyboard makers changed the arrangement of the Insert/Home/Pg Up; Delete/End/Pg Dn keys as well as changing the "upside-down T" layout of the arrow keys to a "plus-sign" layout in some models clearly to save a little space. I use all of these to navigate text and when a key isn't where you expect it to be, that is extremely frustrating.

    So, I'm not really in favor of a new keyboard layout without the Caps Lock key right where I've become accustomed to it.

    However, I feel that some education of its use (or more importantly its misuse) is definitely in order. Someone commented earlier that they enjoy the ability to use it to indicate that they are raising their voice. And I agree with that, used occasionally for emphasis it is very effective. But, it is really painful to chat with someone or read comments from someone who simply leaves it on because he/she is too lazy to use the Shift key occasionally. No one wants to read:


    I'm sure you get the point. Now, championing proper use of the Caps Lock key is a movement I can get behind! :o)

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I HATE capslock xD

  31. The Japanese need the caps lock key to toggle between typing input modes. Recall that they three 'native' alphabets (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) and also use roman, for a total of 4 alphabets. While entering in native language, there are several input modes to choose from (Hiragana alone has two modes: phonetic typing using roman letters, or 'replaced keys')
    The caps lock key works in combination with other Japanese only keyboard keys to set these modes. When typing, you need a way to switch between hiragana and katakana very quickly (as kata is often inline with hiragana text), as well as affect kanji input, since all three of these writing systems can appear in one sentence (occasionally in the same phrase or even word).

    Screwing with the caps lock key screws everyone in the world who doesn't use only the roman langauge (Japan, China, Russia, and a host of other countries), or anyone who wishes to learn these languages.

    I *DO* think the @ key needs to be moved so its not a shifted key. The Japanese keyboard did this with several keys that are usefull for internet or programing.

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  35. Anonymous8:05 AM

    i think i was reading about this on NYT the other day

  36. Anonymous7:21 PM

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